Visual Art

Art education is fundamental because it motivates not just children’s creativity but also because it develops their identity and social competences.

The aim of the subject is to stimulate the creative thinking and cognitive development of children through the development of child-centered pedagogical methods and teaching materials.

We organize different Art activities every year as follow, we believe students gain satisfaction and happiness through participating in art activities.

  • Inter-House Art Creation Day

Students in the same house will work together to decorate the school display board based on P.6 students’ design. It encourages students to cooperate and develop their interest of art making.

  • Inter-school competitions

All students are welcome to join all various inter-school competitions. It helps to develop students' teamwork and art creating skills. Example: Flower Show Drawing competition.

  • Visit Art Museum and exhibitions

Teachers will take students to visit art exhibitions which are worthwhile and suitable to them. It helps students to experience arts in different form.


Further information

Examples of how our students studying Visual Art can be found on our “Open Day 2024” website.    [Link]